One ofBritain's biggest trade unions, Unite, does want clergy to have exactly the same employment rights, including freedom from discrimination, as other workers. 英国最大的工会之一,Unite,就是希望教士能够享受和其他工作者一样的就业权,能够一样的不被歧视。
The use of Black oral literary tradition leads to the discovery of her cultural strategies for freedom from the marginalization of Black culture and the crisis of cultural identity, lays the foundation for the legitimate existence of Black culture, and refutes White supremacy and racist discrimination. 对黑人口头传统的运用,使她找到了摆脱黑人文化边缘化与文化认同危机的文化策略,一定程度上奠定了黑人文化合法性存在的基础,批驳了白人文化优越论和种族主义偏见。